Friday, January 16, 2009

The Beginning Of The End

October 21, 2008

“We're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

“We're gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it's not gonna be apparent initially, it's not gonna be apparent that we're right.”

Joe Biden has been taken off of the campaign trail after he said those words about Obama, to supporters in Washington state on Sunday. The short snippet printed above are his actual words . I urge you to read the entire speech on the ABC network log below:

I mentioned in last weeks Blog that there is something going on with the G7 meeting in Washington last week.

On the radio today I heard that, French leader, Sarkozy said that we should have a meeting before 2009 to discuss a world currency. No more dollar or Pound or Peso, just World money. Think about that, a world body like the U.N. where we would be just a member of a group that contains all of the countries, unfriendly to America. They will be telling us who gets control our money.

Yes, I know. Frank is nuts. Frank is senile. Frank is paranoid.

Well, Frank is worried about his country. The most humane and generous place in the world. The place that sent it's citizens into harms way to liberate the rest of the world from tyrants in two world wars.
The country who sends help to every country in the world when they are in trouble.
The country that split the atom, developed the Airplane, Radio, TV, Telephone, Space Travel, GPS and on and on.

There is no turning back if this is permitted to happen.

I do not like chain letters or forwarding of junk mail, but if you agree with my opinion, please send it to a friend or send my Blog URL to them.

How strongly do I feel about my country loosing its sovereignty ?
I would show you but my keyboard doesn't have a 'Teardrop' key.


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