Thursday, March 10, 2011

Helping the Unemployed

I was watching a panel of experts, on a TV show, discussing how we could get more people working. After one hour of discussion, no one seemed to have even the slightest clue.

I believe that the answer is right below our feet. What does the world need the most? Isn’t it affordable energy and food?

The U.S. has, in the ground, vast supplies of oil, gas and coal waiting to be extracted and sold. Industries supporting extraction of these energy sources could employ hundreds of thousands of people. Steelworkers, drilling equipment manufacturers, pipeline builders, transportation and other support workers would then have jobs available to them.
Instead of importing oil from potential enemies we could sell some this new oil to other countries.

And what about farm jobs? More farm production could supply additional food to countries around the world. U.S. Grain should not be converted into Alcohol for inefficient auto fuel; it should be used to feed humans and livestock. Maybe we could get food prices back down to affordable levels again. If consumers spend less on food, they may spend more on consumer goods.

Currently we are buying Windmills from China. Windmills are not a dependable or cost effective source of power and they are not creating jobs here at home they are just taking more capital out of this country.

Give politicians a simple solution and they will find a way to make it difficult and expensive.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Something Wicked

"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes"

I saw a movie a while back about the earth being taken over by Aliens. No one knew it except a man who wore Polaroid sunglasses. It seems that the aliens disguised themselves to look like normal humans by blocking a human’s brain so that earthlings could not see the monsters that the Aliens really were.

The Aliens looked like policemen, street sweepers, and highly placed political figures but when viewed through the Polaroid sunglasses, the true horror was visible. Of course no one would believe our hero.

In the movie, the hero just happened to find a large box filled with Polaroid sunglasses in an alley. He distributed them to his friends and the humans finally destroyed the bad guys.

Does anyone but me see any parallel with our Federal Government? I really don’t understand what they are doing in Washington. They look like normal people but their actions are totally 'Alien' to our country’s history.

Why are these people spending money that we do not have? Why is the Federal government suing state governments? Why are they preventing ships from coming in to help clean up the oil spill?

There are so many illogical decisions being made in Washington that it seems someone wants to destroy our culture. Even the Women’s movement, who will chastise American men who call women babes, won’t say a word about Muslim men who slit the throats of their daughters for going to school and stone their wives to death.

What is going on? I am at a loss to come up with any logical answers. If anyone reading this article can explain it to me, please do. I will publish every answer that I receive.

I could go on forever with other examples. Are there any magical sunglasses that would let us see our leaders in the true light of their actions?

There are 566,000 hits on Google when you search for George Soros + antichrist........ 1,350,000 for Obama, Hmmmm

Yes readers, “Something wicked has this way come”.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

National Sales Tax

Note: All of my opinion pieces are written by me alone. They are not copied from any other source.

Switzerland - (Opinion)

On the news recently a reporter said that we are going to crack down on wealthy people who park their millions in Switzerland. Why do people hide their money in foreign bank accounts? To evade Income Taxes.

I have to pay taxes and you have to pay taxes but the very wealthy do not always pay their share. So what is the simplest solution to this problem? Repeal the Federal Income Tax and replace it with a Flat National Sales Tax.

How would that work? Every time anyone (Rich or poor) makes a purchase a percentage of sale would be added to the total just like the Pennsylvania sales tax.

If this system is adopted, the rich would have no reason to hide their money abroad because they would still have to pay the National Sales Tax for every item they make a purchase. (Food and medications etc. would be excluded).

What other cheaters would be affected? Criminals, drug dealers, and all Income Tax cheaters. Even criminals would have to pay the tax when they bought a car or boat or new Tommy gun.....

Most of the IRS service workers, tax lawyers and tax preparers would have to find real work. That should save a bundle. No more saving receipts and keeping records for the IRS. The Federal Government would have a steady stream of cash coming in throughout the year. I could go on for pages with more advantages of a National Sales Tax.

I know that there could be some problems that would need tweaking but simple is always better. What do you think?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Internet Pitch Forks

In 1789 there was a food shortage in France. People were starving and dying. The peasants went to the king Louis XIV begging for bread. Marie Antoinette replied, “Qu'ils mangent de la brioche", “Let them eat cake" . This insult was the last straw and it is reported to be one of the causes for the French Revolution. The peasants went home and came back with pitch forks, axes and knives. This was the final choice for a desperate people. The rest is History.

Today the American people feel helpless and put upon by their own federal government, but we are peaceful people and have no stomach for violence so what could we do? The answer was really simple, use symbolic violence, 'Cyber Violence'.

The citizens sat down and used their symbolic 'Pitchforks', the Internet, to fight back. Without spilling one drop of blood, they sent messages back and forth until a loosely formed group began to take shape. This group grew and grew and grew into a political 'Tea Party'.

With the aid of 'Talk Radio', these private citizens began to organize protests in Washington and also began to send money, lots of money, to candidates who shared their feelings about how their Federal Government was mistreating them.

On January 19, 2010 the first symbolic Pitchfork struck home. Scott Brown was elected Senator from Massachusetts. The peoples revolution had begun.

With the Internet, the people have found a pitchfork that leaves no physical scars but still gets the job done. God Bless the clever American citizens. Keep it going.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Yes, we are now an official Obama Nation. ( Spelled differently but means the same). Now do you believe me when I said the man was a Socialist? I wrote many warnings in 2008 saying just that. I also wrote that you would feel the same way as you did when you bought that nice used car that leaked oil all over your driveway the day after you bought it. Buyers remorse!

Just for old times reread my Blog for last year and see how many of my predictions were correct. I am not doing much with my blog now because no one seemed to believe me back in 2008. It was a waste of time, no one wanted to hear the truth. "Obama was too pretty to vote against", as many young women said. A good brain is my criteria for a president, not how he looks.

That's it for now.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Take a Bow Mr President!!!!

The President of the U.S. bows low before Arab ruler. Knee is bent, is he kissing the ring?


Bailout money to Socialist countries from A.I.G.

According to National Public Radio, AIG has been sending Billions to bail outEuropean banks. I hear lots about the millions in bonuses but nothing on thehundreds of billions that AIG sends to European banks. Who is covering that storyon radio or TV or in print?

NPR also reports that there will be many more billions going to European banksfrom the American taxpayers. I don't recall ever seeing that headline in the newsmedia. Isn't Billions more than Millions?

Is AIG just a funnel for American dollars for Europe? I think this may be whatthey mean by One World Government.

My question is why do I have to go to the Internet to get this information,isn't the mainstream news media supposed to do that? God bless the Net.