Friday, January 22, 2010

Internet Pitch Forks

In 1789 there was a food shortage in France. People were starving and dying. The peasants went to the king Louis XIV begging for bread. Marie Antoinette replied, “Qu'ils mangent de la brioche", “Let them eat cake" . This insult was the last straw and it is reported to be one of the causes for the French Revolution. The peasants went home and came back with pitch forks, axes and knives. This was the final choice for a desperate people. The rest is History.

Today the American people feel helpless and put upon by their own federal government, but we are peaceful people and have no stomach for violence so what could we do? The answer was really simple, use symbolic violence, 'Cyber Violence'.

The citizens sat down and used their symbolic 'Pitchforks', the Internet, to fight back. Without spilling one drop of blood, they sent messages back and forth until a loosely formed group began to take shape. This group grew and grew and grew into a political 'Tea Party'.

With the aid of 'Talk Radio', these private citizens began to organize protests in Washington and also began to send money, lots of money, to candidates who shared their feelings about how their Federal Government was mistreating them.

On January 19, 2010 the first symbolic Pitchfork struck home. Scott Brown was elected Senator from Massachusetts. The peoples revolution had begun.

With the Internet, the people have found a pitchfork that leaves no physical scars but still gets the job done. God Bless the clever American citizens. Keep it going.
