Sunday, June 27, 2010

Something Wicked

"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes"

I saw a movie a while back about the earth being taken over by Aliens. No one knew it except a man who wore Polaroid sunglasses. It seems that the aliens disguised themselves to look like normal humans by blocking a human’s brain so that earthlings could not see the monsters that the Aliens really were.

The Aliens looked like policemen, street sweepers, and highly placed political figures but when viewed through the Polaroid sunglasses, the true horror was visible. Of course no one would believe our hero.

In the movie, the hero just happened to find a large box filled with Polaroid sunglasses in an alley. He distributed them to his friends and the humans finally destroyed the bad guys.

Does anyone but me see any parallel with our Federal Government? I really don’t understand what they are doing in Washington. They look like normal people but their actions are totally 'Alien' to our country’s history.

Why are these people spending money that we do not have? Why is the Federal government suing state governments? Why are they preventing ships from coming in to help clean up the oil spill?

There are so many illogical decisions being made in Washington that it seems someone wants to destroy our culture. Even the Women’s movement, who will chastise American men who call women babes, won’t say a word about Muslim men who slit the throats of their daughters for going to school and stone their wives to death.

What is going on? I am at a loss to come up with any logical answers. If anyone reading this article can explain it to me, please do. I will publish every answer that I receive.

I could go on forever with other examples. Are there any magical sunglasses that would let us see our leaders in the true light of their actions?

There are 566,000 hits on Google when you search for George Soros + antichrist........ 1,350,000 for Obama, Hmmmm

Yes readers, “Something wicked has this way come”.