Friday, February 27, 2009

February, 27,2009

After reading my e-mails and things written in the newspapers mentioning Rush Limbaugh, I thought that I should check up on him to see what he says. I don't like to comment on any subject unless I know something about it.

Unfortunately his show comes on at 12 PM to 3 PM. That is when I take my nap. However, I decided to listen for a five day period so that I could hear what he says.

I don't know what I was expecting, but all he did was read newspapers and play audio clips of government officials. He did take a few phone calls, but they just discussed what was already covered. What did I miss?

Oh yes, there were some funny parodies too and one hour of, "Women Only", calling to say why they didn't like him. That didn't work because the women calling were saying nice things about him.

Limbaugh is making the 'Women who don't like me only' hour, a permanent feature on his show now.

After a week of Limbaugh, I still do not know what people are complaining about. Do the folks that complain even listen to him? I would like to hear from regular listeners to his show.

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