Sunday, February 15, 2009

Yes, Al Gore Really Invented It.

If you remember, Al Gore said that he invented the Internet. That statement was totally false, but did you know that he did invent something...Global Warming.

In todays George Will column, George says the earth is in a global cool down and cites the facts and figures to prove it. George is backed by hundreds of scientists who state the same thing.

Polar ice caps are rapidly increasing in size, Ocean levels are dropping, temperatures around the world that have been going down for over 10 years. These are the same 10 years that Gore has been touting his phony movie to all of our children and grandchildren in schools around the country.

As you know by the writings on my Blog that I have shown you websites which have backed me up about the warming scam. There were temperature charts and Sun spot pictures etc. showing cooling, not warming. The news media have faithfully reported every false statement that Gore has ever uttered without even checking the facts.

I get my facts from places other than the N.Y. Times and CNN. I read large amounts of data every day mostly from the net. My accuracy seems to be ahead of the junk that one news source feeds to all of the other news parrots.

The news outlets even use the exact wording. Remember when every news reporter was saying “George Bush has no GRAVITAS? How many times had you ever heard that word in a news report before or since then. One reporter after another used the exact word for days and then it never came up again.

There is no story, it is just one reporter repeating what another is saying. They don't go out and find a story, they parrot someone else's story word for word even when it is not true.

I ask you, my readers, to check news stories for yourself for truthfulness. There are many good alternative sources on the Internet. For my lessons on the economy I read Walter E. Williams. From George Mason University. He writes so clearly that even I can understand what is going on. Much of my predictions are based on his writings.

Please watch this short video by DR. Williams:

Dr. Thomas Sowell is my second most favorite economist. A brilliant mind as well.

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