Friday, January 16, 2009

Another Bad Idea

Thursday June 19, 2008

When the U.S. Started to convert Corn (a food stuff) into Ethanol (a fuel), a chain reaction occurred throughout the world. The cost and availability of all foods was effected. The poorest countries around the globe who rely on us for low cost food were devastated. There were food riots in several countries where food costs are the bulk of the family expenses.

What arrogance, they must think, “While the U.S. Sits on billions of barrels of oil in the ground, humans in other countries go hungry”. Because of environmental worries about some endangered insect we refuse to drill for oil. I say that in this instance, the environmentalists special interest lobby in Washington are truly the “Ugly Americans”.

This winter when your heating oil bills exceed your Social Security Check, will you be worried about a Snail Darter in a “Wetland” or your own health?

If you didn't know, "Wetlands" is eco-talk for Swamp. “Rain Forrest” is eco-talk for Jungle, however they are still bug infested foul smelling places.

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