Friday, January 16, 2009


Sunday, July 20, 2008

I have never owned a brand new car, the closest to new was five years old. You know me FREE is my motto and thrifty is next and then cheap. However I would buy a new car tomorrow if it ran on electricity and could go 150 miles or more on a single charge. Just think:

No noise
No standing in the cold or rain or heat to pump gas.
No gasoline shortages or high prices or smell.
No oil to check or leak.
No radiators, anti freeze or leaking hoses.
No mufflers, catalytic converters, tailpipes.
No Fuel pumps, starters, carburetors or fuel injectors.
And no fumes or air pollution.

My only questions are when will the technology have such a car and the cost of changing batteries when they fail.

The problem of distance per charge and cost of batteries is difficult to solve, so we must drill for more oil immediately to keep our country running.

I heard a radio reporter saying that off shore drilling in the Santa Barbara area would produce millions of barrels of crude and could start producing oil within a year. There was an oil spill there about 20 years ago and California made the oil companies stop pumping any more oil from that site.


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