Friday, January 16, 2009

My Fables Were A Warning

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Last January when I began to see the pattern of high inflation with low interest rates I saw what was coming in the stock market. I really didn't know how bad it would be, but I began to systematically sell my holdings and spread them around by buying bank Cd's that were FDIC insured.

Keeping interest rates down meant only one thing to me. The government's mandate to banks to lend to “Poor People” was in trouble. That's when I decided to start my Blog and warn my readers about what I feared.

How to warn you without panicking you was the problem. I decided to use Frank's Fables like the ant and the grasshopper with my comments, at the end of the fable, to gently explain the dangers of having the government “Spreading the wealth around”. If you read all of my Blogs, you would have seen the pattern. (The Potato Fable etc). In hind sight, I should have been more direct. I hope none of my readers were hurt by the market decline.

Anyway, moving ahead, there are the same kind of doubts in my mind about the coming election. There are patterns that I see that worry me. Separately, the events don't seem too bad, but I am seeing ominous patterns and I am worried.

Joe Biden was back on the campaign trail today and he said, “My mother warned me to be careful about who I hung around with because you are judged by your friends”. How appropriate, Obama's friends are Reverend Wright, Bill Ayres, Louis Farrakhan, Tony Rezko and the radical Jesuit Priest Father Flagger. I am Catholic and I know about the Jesuit order and their left leaning traits. And does anyone beside me know that Tony Rezko is a Syrian?

Folks, it is all there on the Internet for you to see. The popular news outlets have a bad habit of omitting the most important parts of the news. It's funny how omitting a word can change the meaning.
Here is what I could say to the press:
“I enjoy beating my grandchildren at chess”. The news media can omit two words and it becomes...... "I enjoy beating my grandchildren”. The story is true except for two missing words, "at chess".


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