Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Like Rich People

Yes, it's true. In these days of pitting the poor against the rich I would like to defend the wealthy for a change.

Rich people, enabled me to buy my home, several cars, appliances, pay hospital bills and do so many other things that I could not have done without waiting for many years to save for them. How many of us could do without credit cards?

Wealthy people, not poor peple, hire workers and pays their wages. Without wealth, the world would consist of only farmers and hunters. There would be no electricity, roads, hospitals or running water. The population would be very small and extremely poor.

Remember that money is just an I.O.U. for work done. If you can accumulate it, then you can do many things such as hiring people to help you run a business. If money is given to folks without any work behind it then it is worthless. There is no value in counterfeit money. Money has to keep moving in order to have value. It must have work behind it.

In the 1930's the rich were reduced in great numbers and we all know what happened back then. Without the wealthy many went hungry and many died from lack of medical care. How do I know? I was born in 1930 and I remember living in a three room shack for 9 years with little to eat or wear. Many of us were poor then, but believe me, misery does not love company I was there.

So when I hear people say let's take the money off of those bad rich folks, I would like them to tell me who will hire people, build factories, develop new medical devices, donate to charities? Not poor people with no money.

We have to work with the people who have the money to create jobs, they are the ones who spread the wealth around. Our Federal Government does not produce one penny's worth of value, it just takes it from it's citizens and redistributes it after taking a huge chunk for overhead.


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