Friday, January 16, 2009

Global Cooling

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The chart above shows the Average Global temperatures for the past 30 years. As you can see, 1998 was the highest. It did not continue to go any higher after that. I has gone down. Mr. Gore omits this in his speeches. Again lying by omission.

The link shows this plus more info and charts on Global Warming:

Recently Al Gore spoke in Washington about Global Warming while one the three lemo's in his caravan waited outside with the air conditioners running during the speech. Makes you think doesn't it? Click link below:

Do as I say, not as I do. That is the motto of the do gooders. Al has a giant power consuming mansion, but he says that he buys carbon credits to make up for all of the power that he uses. Maybe so, but he still uses much more than you or me and then pays for the carbon credits with money that he makes on speaking tours about conserving power.

How do you spell hypocrite? G-O-R-E


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