Friday, January 16, 2009

It happened before too.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

From the Canadian Broadcasting Company:

Million year old Fern fossil found in Canada

"When the fern was growing, Nova Scotia was covered by a steamy rain forest. During the carboniferous period, plants first developed the ability to grow seeds. Scientists hope the boulder-sized fossil will shed light on how the process evolved".

So, parts of Canada were once a tropical jungle. Oops.... Rain Forest. When I hear people saying that man is causing Global Warming I wonder how much of history do they actually know. The earth has been warming and cooling for millenniums before man was ever on earth. Now I ask, who was driving air polluting cars three million BC....oops make that BCE. I also would like to know how the earth cooled into an Ice Age without man causing it?

Now, don't be so arrogant, us little p-ants cannot take credit or blame for all of the many warming and cooling periods in the earth's history. Blame it on that damn mother nature, she did it, not us.

Please read the full CBC report on the link below:

I wonder why the main stream media does not report these provable facts and instead report on scientific guesses about why the earth heats and cools. Personally I would accept actual proof over a guess any time.


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