Friday, January 16, 2009

The Emperor's New Clothes

Sunday, October 19, 2008

(Another of Frank's Fractured Fables)

Once upon a time in a land far far away, lived an Emperor who was feared by all of his people because when he spoke, his voice thundered and because he had a cruel body guard who was called 'Dnews Media'.

Now, this ruler had one weakness, his appearance. He always wanted to look spiffy so he called his tailors and he said, I want you to make me a robe of the finest material in the Kingdom. It must be entirely different from all others.

The tailors could think of nothing that would even come close to this order so they pretended to have a new fabric that was so rare that it could only be seen by the smartest people in the world.

The Emperor donned this fine robe and went down and paraded in the streets of his kingdom. Of course all of his fearful subjects oohed and aahed as he past. But then from the crowd came the tiny voice of a little boy named Jody Plumber, "The Emperor has no clothes on".

(Now, some say that Jody Plumber really said, "The Emperor just revealed his tax plan").

There was a gasp from the crowd. This little boy had seen the Emperor as he really was and without fear he shouted out the truth. The Emperor's body guard, Dnews Media, began to pummel the tiny boy about the head, but it was too late. The truth was out and it could never be taken back.

The emperor was thrown out along with Dnews Media. Little Jody Plumber had said what everyone knew but was afraid to say. And they all lived happily ever after.......However, I hear that the emperor moved to Oz but a little girl named Dorothy had also flushed the emperor out from behind a RED curtain and exposed him.


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