Friday, January 16, 2009

Insect Welfare

Friday, May 31, 2008

Frank's Fables #2 The Ant and the Grasshopper

(This first version is a famous Aesop fable the second is my version) Once upon a time there was an Ant and a Grasshopper. The Ant was very industrious and prudent. All summer he dug in the ground to make a nice comfortable home to protect himself and his family from the cold winter. Next he gathered food and stored it in his home so that his family had food to eat when the cold and snow came.

Meanwhile the Grasshopper was frolicking merrily and eating all of the lush grass that is plentiful in the summer. The Ant asked the Grasshopper why he was not preparing for the hard times. The Grasshopper laughed at the Ant saying, “You are a fool spending your time working, be like me and have a good time”.

When summer had ended, the cold and snow arrived. The Grasshopper went to the Ant's home and said “ I am cold and hungry, please give me food and shelter”. The Ant said “Sorry, but I told you to prepare for winter, but you wanted to play”. The Grasshopper was left out in the cold to starve.

The moral of the story is that you have to prepare yourself for the future.__________Here is the how the fable ends in 2008 in America:
The Grasshopper says to the Ant. “I am cold and hungry”. The Ant says “Sorry, You should have been working in the summer like I did”.
Now the Federal Government comes to the Ant and says, “Give the Grasshopper half of your food and make a room for him in your house”. “It doesn't matter that you worked all summer to prepare and he didn't”.

And this, children, is called fairness (taxation). The end
Good Night Children


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