Friday, January 16, 2009

No Sun Spots = Cold Winter?

August 26,2008

Cool August

Scientists say that the last time that the Sun went for a long period without any spots it was during the 'Little Ice Age' ( 1500-1700 AD) when most of Europe was freezing both Summer and Winter.

Today the Sun has no spots again and we hope that it is only a temporary condition, but it does tell us that the Sun's activity controls the temperature, here on earth, much more that any man made causes.

Hmm, August does seem a lot cooler this year............

For more, see link below:

You can search the Net for more on this subject.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How does the sun look now in Mid March 2009? Another oops on predictions by NASA and NOAA regarding cycle 24? Try to find any prediction updates on cycle 24?