Friday, January 16, 2009

The Morning After

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Have you ever bought something from a slick salesman? Maybe a time share or a used car that leaves a puddle of oil in your driveway overnight? Then you wake up the next morning and say “What have I done?”. It's called “Buyers' Remorse”. It looked good at the time but when you got home and examined it in daylight it dawns on you, “What was I thinking?”.

Please vote on Tuesday no matter which of candidates you prefer. All I want you to think about is, “How will I feel on Wednesday morning?”. “Have I given my country over to a One World government just like the U.N.?”. Or will it be, “There are two parties in charge of the government and one will keep a check on the other so that no mischief can be done”.

We will know by the time I write my next Blog.


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