Friday, January 16, 2009

Seven Days in May

Sunday, October 12, 2008

There was a book written several years ago titled “Seven Days in May”. It was the story about a junior naval officer who came to work on a Sunday morning in May. He worked in the naval communications center as a secure message decoder.

He opened a secure message addressed to his boss, the general who ran the center, and read “I cannot attend your poker game this week”. Just a harmless message from an Admiral in the Pacific, but why was it sent through secure channels in code?

The junior officer was curious and looked for the original memo sent by his boss. He found it and it was in heavily coded form. Why are secure channels used for a poker game he wondered. So he dug deeper and as he read more messages, he discovered that this was not a simple Poker game, it was a plot to overthrow the government. The story did have a good ending. It was also made into a movie of the same name with Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis.

Ok, why do I mention the story above? Because now I am seeing some very disturbing signs in our country. I have been ignoring them for a long time and saying to myself, “These are just coincidences” or “It's your imagination, Frank, there are no conspiracies”. But.........

In Washington there is a meeting of the G7 who are talking about making banking an International entity.

There have been efforts to make our country use international law.

The whole banking scandal has been hidden from the American public for years.

We have been letting illegal aliens into the country and bestowing American rights and privileges on them.

Special interest groups in our capital have been pressing for low cost/free housing for those who have possible way of repaying.

Special interest groups are registering illegals and convicted felons to vote.

Government employees are leaking secret information to the News media.

Valerie Plame sent her own husband to Nigeria in order to undermine the President of our country.

Retired generals and congressmen calling our troopes in Iraq murderers.

Preachers are calling our country every derogative name possible.

And my pet peeve, News Media distorting stories by omitting many of the actual facts.

Movies and TV shows filled with anti American sentiment.

Congressmen and Senators selling favors to get reelected.

Kick backs comming from Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae to congressmen.

Security agencies saying Iran had stopped work on nuclear weapons when they have not.

Searching old women and children at airports just to show how fair we are.

Silly lawsuits that have no right to even be in court.

Teachers unions that want tax payers to make up any loss that their pension funds loose in the markets.

Refusing to drill for oil while older citizens have to use their limited income to pay for high heating costs in their homes.

Banning smoking, fatty foods, dodge ball, tag, scoring, etc,etc,etc.

Congress held hearings on Baseball players using steroids, but not on the banking or investment houses that were selling worthless mortgages to Ginnie and Freddie while Chris Dodd and Barney Frank were saying everything is fine. I have news for Barney and Chris. With the Internet, you can't lie anymore. It's all there on 'Youtube' in your own words. Enough is enough!

I could write several more pages but I think that you get it. Our country is so close to Socialism that it is scary.

I see a pattern here just as I saw in the very low interest rates back in January. There are too many unexplained things happening for me to understand and when I don't understand things, my brain begins to send me warnings.

If anything that I wrote is not factual, please add your comments and I will correct my writings. Just include a reliable source and I will make the changes.

And yes, I realize that I see things in black and white. Sometime that is not a bad thing.

Please vote, even if you have to hold your nose. If the socialists get in, you will never get them out.


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