Friday, January 16, 2009

Supply and Demand - The Potato Story

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Frank's Fables – #1 Potato Tales

Once upon a time there was a potato grower who sold his crops to local grocers. Each day several grocers came to buy potatoes for their stores. The farmer said, “I will sell you the potatoes for 20 cents a pound”. The grocers all agreed and took the taters to their stores and sold them for 50 cents a pound. Most of the potatoes were sold by the end of the day.
One day there was a bad storm and half of the farmers' potatoes were destroyed. When the grocers came to buy, grocer #1 said, "I will buy the potatoes for 20 cents a pound just as I did yesterday". The farmer said, "I don't have enough to sell to all of you".
Grocer #2 said, “I will pay you 30 cents a pound”. The farmer said, "OK", but Grocer #1 said, “Wait a minute I need potatoes too. I will give you 40 cents a pound”.
Several weeks later the potato farmers' crop was very large, so in order to sell all of his surplus crop he had a sale and the crop went for 15 cents a pound. The grocers bought more and sold more at a lower price. (This system works every time it is used).
Now, suppose this farmer become foolish and decided to plant less potatoes in order to keep the prices higher. His neighbor, a wise farmer, will plant more potatoes and steal farmer #1's customers.
This, children, is why Gasoline is so high. We could be like the wise farmer and produce more or be like the foolish one and produce less. Our lawmakers in Washington, who refuse to allow new oil well drilling here at home, are definitely not wise.

Good Night Children


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