Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Yes, we are now an official Obama Nation. ( Spelled differently but means the same). Now do you believe me when I said the man was a Socialist? I wrote many warnings in 2008 saying just that. I also wrote that you would feel the same way as you did when you bought that nice used car that leaked oil all over your driveway the day after you bought it. Buyers remorse!

Just for old times reread my Blog for last year and see how many of my predictions were correct. I am not doing much with my blog now because no one seemed to believe me back in 2008. It was a waste of time, no one wanted to hear the truth. "Obama was too pretty to vote against", as many young women said. A good brain is my criteria for a president, not how he looks.

That's it for now.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Take a Bow Mr President!!!!

The President of the U.S. bows low before Arab ruler. Knee is bent, is he kissing the ring?


Bailout money to Socialist countries from A.I.G.

According to National Public Radio, AIG has been sending Billions to bail outEuropean banks. I hear lots about the millions in bonuses but nothing on thehundreds of billions that AIG sends to European banks. Who is covering that storyon radio or TV or in print?

NPR also reports that there will be many more billions going to European banksfrom the American taxpayers. I don't recall ever seeing that headline in the newsmedia. Isn't Billions more than Millions?

Is AIG just a funnel for American dollars for Europe? I think this may be whatthey mean by One World Government.

My question is why do I have to go to the Internet to get this information,isn't the mainstream news media supposed to do that? God bless the Net.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Remember back On October 21st I made a prediction on my Blog?


Was I being paranoid? Am I a soothsayer? No, It is called being informed. I read the Internet to get my facts. I do not use the main stream media. If you reread my older blogs you will see what I gleaned from the Internet.

Do you now remember what Joe Biden and French President, Sarkozy, said in October? Biden was warning us about the financial crises and he was promptly taken off of the campaign trail. I believe whole mess was known before the elections and was hidden from us by the mainstream press. If an amateur, like me, can find these facts, why can't the professionals?

Friday, March 20, 2009

230 Billion to Socialist governments.

If Socialism is so great then why do we have to prop up Socialist European banks with billions of U.S. dollars?

According to National Public Radio, A.I.G has been sending Billions to bail out European banks. (England, France, Switzerland). I hear lots about the millions in AIG bonuses but nothing on the hundreds of billions that AIG sends to European banks.

Who is covering that story on radio or TV or in print? NPR also reports that there will be many more billions going to European banks from the American taxpayers. I don't ever recall seeing that headline in the news media. Are not Billions more than Millions? Is A.I.G just a funnel for sending American dollars to Socialist Europe ? I think this may be what they mean by One World Government.

My question is why do I have to go to the Internet to get this information, isn't the mainstream news media supposed to do that for me? God bless the Net.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

No Luck

My attempt to find out why so many people do not like Rush Limbaugh has failed. I got only one reply and there was nothing about why they did not like Limbaugh.

Friday, March 6, 2009

To leave a comment

Leave a comment by clicking the Green word Comment at the end of the post that you want to answer. My posts go back to Janurary of 2008. All comments welcome. I want a free and open discussion on all subjects.

Be polite please.

If you have any problems, e-mail me at:


Friday, February 27, 2009

February, 27,2009

After reading my e-mails and things written in the newspapers mentioning Rush Limbaugh, I thought that I should check up on him to see what he says. I don't like to comment on any subject unless I know something about it.

Unfortunately his show comes on at 12 PM to 3 PM. That is when I take my nap. However, I decided to listen for a five day period so that I could hear what he says.

I don't know what I was expecting, but all he did was read newspapers and play audio clips of government officials. He did take a few phone calls, but they just discussed what was already covered. What did I miss?

Oh yes, there were some funny parodies too and one hour of, "Women Only", calling to say why they didn't like him. That didn't work because the women calling were saying nice things about him.

Limbaugh is making the 'Women who don't like me only' hour, a permanent feature on his show now.

After a week of Limbaugh, I still do not know what people are complaining about. Do the folks that complain even listen to him? I would like to hear from regular listeners to his show.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Yes, Al Gore Really Invented It.

If you remember, Al Gore said that he invented the Internet. That statement was totally false, but did you know that he did invent something...Global Warming.

In todays George Will column, George says the earth is in a global cool down and cites the facts and figures to prove it. George is backed by hundreds of scientists who state the same thing.

Polar ice caps are rapidly increasing in size, Ocean levels are dropping, temperatures around the world that have been going down for over 10 years. These are the same 10 years that Gore has been touting his phony movie to all of our children and grandchildren in schools around the country.

As you know by the writings on my Blog that I have shown you websites which have backed me up about the warming scam. There were temperature charts and Sun spot pictures etc. showing cooling, not warming. The news media have faithfully reported every false statement that Gore has ever uttered without even checking the facts.

I get my facts from places other than the N.Y. Times and CNN. I read large amounts of data every day mostly from the net. My accuracy seems to be ahead of the junk that one news source feeds to all of the other news parrots.

The news outlets even use the exact wording. Remember when every news reporter was saying “George Bush has no GRAVITAS? How many times had you ever heard that word in a news report before or since then. One reporter after another used the exact word for days and then it never came up again.

There is no story, it is just one reporter repeating what another is saying. They don't go out and find a story, they parrot someone else's story word for word even when it is not true.

I ask you, my readers, to check news stories for yourself for truthfulness. There are many good alternative sources on the Internet. For my lessons on the economy I read Walter E. Williams. From George Mason University. He writes so clearly that even I can understand what is going on. Much of my predictions are based on his writings.

Please watch this short video by DR. Williams:


Dr. Thomas Sowell is my second most favorite economist. A brilliant mind as well.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More on Rich or Poor

In a past Blog I wrote about why we need rich people. Some of you may disagree to some extent and that's OK, but lets do a short comparison between the two alternatives.

The U.S. is the richest country in the world while most of the continent of Africa contains the poorest people in the world. In Africa, a large number of the citizens are hungry and many are sick and dying because of poverty. They destroy their forests to get fuel for cooking causing the land to become a creeping desert.

Years ago rich settlers from Europe began living in Africa because of the natural resources of rubber, tin, gold, cocoa, coffee and diamonds. The native laborers worked and were paid wages that enabled them to afford a modest but much better life style. The settlers built railroads, roads, hospitals etc. This lasted for many years until the local leaders drove the settlers out. Now when you see Africa without the rich settlers, you see rusted railroad cars, rusted trucks, broken roads and bridges, people starving and dying from treatable illnesses.

The United States with it's greedy rich people has the better health care and better nutrition for it's poorest people than any African nation. Mexico has very few rich people and I don't see any Americans rushing to the border to get in to that country.

So, as flawed a system as we may have here at home, how many of us would want to drive out the wealthy citizens like the Africans did?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More Oil

Please read the attached link. It is very interesting. Why send billions to the Arabs?



Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Like Rich People

Yes, it's true. In these days of pitting the poor against the rich I would like to defend the wealthy for a change.

Rich people, enabled me to buy my home, several cars, appliances, pay hospital bills and do so many other things that I could not have done without waiting for many years to save for them. How many of us could do without credit cards?

Wealthy people, not poor peple, hire workers and pays their wages. Without wealth, the world would consist of only farmers and hunters. There would be no electricity, roads, hospitals or running water. The population would be very small and extremely poor.

Remember that money is just an I.O.U. for work done. If you can accumulate it, then you can do many things such as hiring people to help you run a business. If money is given to folks without any work behind it then it is worthless. There is no value in counterfeit money. Money has to keep moving in order to have value. It must have work behind it.

In the 1930's the rich were reduced in great numbers and we all know what happened back then. Without the wealthy many went hungry and many died from lack of medical care. How do I know? I was born in 1930 and I remember living in a three room shack for 9 years with little to eat or wear. Many of us were poor then, but believe me, misery does not love company I was there.

So when I hear people say let's take the money off of those bad rich folks, I would like them to tell me who will hire people, build factories, develop new medical devices, donate to charities? Not poor people with no money.

We have to work with the people who have the money to create jobs, they are the ones who spread the wealth around. Our Federal Government does not produce one penny's worth of value, it just takes it from it's citizens and redistributes it after taking a huge chunk for overhead.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Illegals get loans from B.O.A.

On Feb. 13, 2007 Bank of America began to issue credit cards to illegals who had no identification and now B.O.A wants a bailout because their credit losses are too high to continue in business.

I was outraged in 2007 and now I am beyond outrage to have to give money to a bank that thumbed their nose at me less than 2 years ago. There were many who opposed this stupid practice of giving credit without any I.D. They will never be able to collect any of the money that they gave to the illegals.

Here are two of the hundreds of sites that reported this story in 2007.



No one listens to us taxpayers but they want our money to correct their idiotic mistakes.



Friday, January 16, 2009

Just as I predicted

On this Blog, back in August, I predicted a very cold winter due to sun spot activity being so low. I believe global warming is caused by solar activity, not human beings and cars. This correct prediction by me seems to prove I was right.

The original prediction was about four pages back on this blog. You can verify it for yourself.



Looking Back on 2008 - My Score

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Looking Back on 2008 - My Score
On May 24th, I wrote a fable about Potatoes. In reality it was about our economic system of supply and demand and how a shortage of a commodity makes it cost more. As you saw, the price of oil dropped when president Bush just mentioned that we will drill for oil. So score one for me.

On “Food for thought”, I predicted that using Corn for Ethanol would result in higher beef prices. Ground beef is now almost $5.00 a pound. That's two for Frank.

On “Insect Welfare”, May 30th. I said that the hard workers will be punished by our federal government and we would have to give our hard earned things to drones who did not work for what they got. (We will be paying for dead beat mortgage holders with our taxes). Score 3 for me.

In “Prices Will Fall”, I again said that oil will drop. That's 4.

In a piece that I forgot to title, I predicted that grain uses for Gasohol would cause food prices around the world to increase. #5.

On July 24th, I wrote about global cooling. As of today, there are record low temperatures in Texas, Louisiana, California with snow!!! I will only take a half point because it is only a short term problem as of now, but keep your eye on the thermometer. 4.5 right.

In “Cool August”, I showed a report that high sunspot activity caused higher temperatures and that low sunspot activity can cause lower temperatures. Well, I included a link showing that sunspots were not there anymore. Deja Vu all over again. 5.5 correct.

The piece titled “Seven Days in May”. The jury is still out. It is too soon to tell exactly what is up but you can see the monetary problems already heading for a “Global” solution.....the world banks linking up to save the world. I will accept a half point. Total thus far 6.0

The rest of my Blogs do not have any predictions or should I say warnings. You can read all of my Blogs for this year at:



He's Cute???

Friday, November 7, 2008

I am beginning to read reports on the Presidential election breakdown. Obama's largest group of supporters were not minorities but unmarried women. Surveys say the three main reasons that they voted for Obama are:

“His looks”.
“He is cute”.
“He is young”.

And women ask why men don't take them seriously. Perhaps the founders of our nation knew this fact and that's why they did not allow women to vote. Sorry young ladies, but that's how you voted.

God help us.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In past history, tribes of people always elected the oldest member to lead them. Why? Because the elders had more experience than the younger members and so they kept the tribe from making errors that would hurt themselves and the tribe.

Here in the U.S. we just allowed college students with little experience in the world to elect a young inexperienced man to lead our country for four years. That is a sure way of changing our culture for the near future by lowering the standard of living that was provided by their parents and grandparents. They have bought the shinny car with the big oil leak and parked it in their driveway and don't even realize what they have done yet.

I once saw a movie about a young girl who was having a sixteenth birthday party. She wanted to wear a gown with a low back and front. Her mother said, “No, it looks bad on you”. But the girl began to cry and said, “Are going to be mean and nasty and make me take it off or are you going to be sweet and nice and let me wear it?”. The mother looked at her and said, “I am going to be mean and nasty and let you wear it”. The girl was confused by that statement but kept the gown on.

When her guests arrived she came down the stairs in her ill fitting gown and was immediately met with sounds of laughter. She then realized how foolish she was and ran back to her room crying. Her mother, being much wiser, had tried to warn her of what would happen but she would not listen.

A wise person will listen to those who are more experienced, a foolish one will suffer the consequences. I worry about my children and grandchildern who have not lived through hard times.


From A Reader

Monday, November 3, 2008

A chemistry professor in a large college had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab the Professor noticed one young man (exchange student) who kept rubbing his back, and stretching as if his back hurt.

The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a new communist government.

In the midst of his story he looked at the professor and asked a strange question. He asked, 'Do you know how to catch wild pigs?'

The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punchline. The young man said this was no joke. 'You catch w ild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come everyday to eat the free corn. When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in The last side. The pigs, who are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat, you slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd.

Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity.

The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening to Ame rica. The government keeps pushing us toward socialism and keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops (CRP), welfare, medicine, drugs, etc.. While we continually lose our freedoms -- just a little at a time.

One should always remember: There is no such thing as a free lunch! Also, a politician will never provide a service for you cheaper than you can do it yourself.

Also, if you see that all of this wonderful government 'help' is a problem confronting the future of democracy in America , you might want to send this on to your friends. If you think the free ride is essential to your way of life then you will probably delete this email, but God help you when the gate slams shut!

In this 'very important' election year, listen closely to what the candidates are promising you !!

Just maybe you will be able to tell who is about to slam the gate on America .

'A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have'

Thomas Jefferson


Bye, Bye American Pie

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The federal government has plans already in the works to take your 401k and put it into Social Security. You probably say, "That's impossible". No, it's true please click the link below:


Please read the comments just under the news article. Very interesting.


The Morning After

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Have you ever bought something from a slick salesman? Maybe a time share or a used car that leaves a puddle of oil in your driveway overnight? Then you wake up the next morning and say “What have I done?”. It's called “Buyers' Remorse”. It looked good at the time but when you got home and examined it in daylight it dawns on you, “What was I thinking?”.

Please vote on Tuesday no matter which of candidates you prefer. All I want you to think about is, “How will I feel on Wednesday morning?”. “Have I given my country over to a One World government just like the U.N.?”. Or will it be, “There are two parties in charge of the government and one will keep a check on the other so that no mischief can be done”.

We will know by the time I write my next Blog.


About Fairy Tales

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Why do I use Fairy Tales and Fables to illustrate a point? Because behind the Fables, Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes there is another meaning. Here is what I heard through the grapevine.

From about 1400 to 1800 there was a cold spell in Europe called 'The Little Ice Age'. A time when most of Europe was caught in a frigid grip of very cold seasons. It snowed in the summer in some areas and crops could not grow. There was starvation everywhere and to make it worse, the Bubonic plague was being spread by the fleas on rats that were seeking shelter from the cold.Thousands died and millions were sick and hungry.

These are the tales, I have been told, that were written during this period. Many of the Fables, Rhymes and Fairy Tales had roots in the truth.

Hansel and Gretel was supposed to have been written because food was so scarce at that time that families had to get rid of some of their children in order to save the others. So Hansel and Gretel's parents took the two children out into the forest in order to loose them. (I suppose to let them die of exposure). The Gingerbread House, symbolically, saved their lives and even the witch wanted to eat the pair probably because she was hungry too. But it was only a Fairy Tale, wasn't it???

Back in the days of old, to criticize the King was punishable by death so......'Rock a bye baby' was the peasants song to chastise King James II for rumors that he had sired an
illegitimate child. 'When the bough breaks the cradel will fall' was supposed to be when the scandal broke the king would be exposed.

Ring around the rosie, I understand, was a reference to the Bubonic Plague in that period. Supposedly describing the symptoms of a rosie face due to fever and all fall down was the death of the person. Not too cheery but in those days life was hard.

Maybe that was one reason to come to the new world. Good news, the earth started warming around 1800. Probably due to gas guzzling trucks and SUV's.

Aesop wrote fables using animals to promote good behavior and morality. The Ant and the Grasshopper, one of my favorites tells of how the industrious ant worked diligently and saved his food for the hard times while the Grasshopper was lazy and just played all summer. Today we call that welfare and we don't let the Grasshopper starve, we give him the ant's stuff. All of Aesop's Fables had clear messages of unselfishness and honesty. We could use some of those now....where are our wise men today. I mean beside me.


For your entertainment....

Friday, October 24, 2008


Click link below and type in your name or mine.


Posted by Curmudgeon at 3:16 PM


Fuzzy Math

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Over the past 30-40 years, political pollsters have been trying to either guess the outcome of elections or try to influence the outcome of elections.

Most of the time they say that the Democrats are ahead but the Republicans win sometims by a wide margin. I have always wondered about why they were wrong. I got my answer the other day.

A famous pollster was being interviewed on TV and the host asked him what the polls showed. The pollster gave the Demo's a nice lead in the polls. Then the host asked why he polled only 40 percent Republicans and 60 percent Democrats? The pollster said. "That's because there are more registered Demo's than Republicans, it's called weighting".

My question would have been. Since there has been cases of people being paid to register Democrat by ACORN (One admitted in court to signing 79 registration ballots) and signing up as Mickey Mouse and the Dallas Football team, how can that be accurate? Those people can only vote once or not at all.

I suppose that I am too curious. Boy I wish that I could ask those kinds of questions questions. As of 4:00 P.M. Today I hear that the race is within 2 or 3 points even counting the Dallas Cowboys.

Again I ask please do not hand our country over to the Socialists. Just think, Pelosi, Reed, Obama, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Supreme Court..............................................................you fill in the dots.

My Fables Were A Warning

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Last January when I began to see the pattern of high inflation with low interest rates I saw what was coming in the stock market. I really didn't know how bad it would be, but I began to systematically sell my holdings and spread them around by buying bank Cd's that were FDIC insured.

Keeping interest rates down meant only one thing to me. The government's mandate to banks to lend to “Poor People” was in trouble. That's when I decided to start my Blog and warn my readers about what I feared.

How to warn you without panicking you was the problem. I decided to use Frank's Fables like the ant and the grasshopper with my comments, at the end of the fable, to gently explain the dangers of having the government “Spreading the wealth around”. If you read all of my Blogs, you would have seen the pattern. (The Potato Fable etc). In hind sight, I should have been more direct. I hope none of my readers were hurt by the market decline.

Anyway, moving ahead, there are the same kind of doubts in my mind about the coming election. There are patterns that I see that worry me. Separately, the events don't seem too bad, but I am seeing ominous patterns and I am worried.

Joe Biden was back on the campaign trail today and he said, “My mother warned me to be careful about who I hung around with because you are judged by your friends”. How appropriate, Obama's friends are Reverend Wright, Bill Ayres, Louis Farrakhan, Tony Rezko and the radical Jesuit Priest Father Flagger. I am Catholic and I know about the Jesuit order and their left leaning traits. And does anyone beside me know that Tony Rezko is a Syrian?

Folks, it is all there on the Internet for you to see. The popular news outlets have a bad habit of omitting the most important parts of the news. It's funny how omitting a word can change the meaning.
Here is what I could say to the press:
“I enjoy beating my grandchildren at chess”. The news media can omit two words and it becomes...... "I enjoy beating my grandchildren”. The story is true except for two missing words, "at chess".


The Beginning Of The End

October 21, 2008

“We're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

“We're gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it's not gonna be apparent initially, it's not gonna be apparent that we're right.”

Joe Biden has been taken off of the campaign trail after he said those words about Obama, to supporters in Washington state on Sunday. The short snippet printed above are his actual words . I urge you to read the entire speech on the ABC network log below:


I mentioned in last weeks Blog that there is something going on with the G7 meeting in Washington last week.

On the radio today I heard that, French leader, Sarkozy said that we should have a meeting before 2009 to discuss a world currency. No more dollar or Pound or Peso, just World money. Think about that, a world body like the U.N. where we would be just a member of a group that contains all of the countries, unfriendly to America. They will be telling us who gets control our money.

Yes, I know. Frank is nuts. Frank is senile. Frank is paranoid.

Well, Frank is worried about his country. The most humane and generous place in the world. The place that sent it's citizens into harms way to liberate the rest of the world from tyrants in two world wars.
The country who sends help to every country in the world when they are in trouble.
The country that split the atom, developed the Airplane, Radio, TV, Telephone, Space Travel, GPS and on and on.

There is no turning back if this is permitted to happen.

I do not like chain letters or forwarding of junk mail, but if you agree with my opinion, please send it to a friend or send my Blog URL to them.

How strongly do I feel about my country loosing its sovereignty ?
I would show you but my keyboard doesn't have a 'Teardrop' key.


Moved all Blog items from Curmudgeon to here

October 21, 2008

Because this Blog allows moved items to only be put at the top of this Blog, the dates of original publication will be a little skewed.


Who were Oop and Mork?

Monday, October 20, 2008

I have tried to explain our system of economics with several fables on this Blog. I will make one more try before the elections.

Once upon a time there were two cavemen Oop and Mork. They both had a small garden that fed their families. Now Mork was a much harder worker than Oop and therefore he had more food than his neighbor. But Mork was not satisfied, he wanted even more food that he could store away for hard times so he invented a device that he called a plow.

The plow enabled Mork to till more land and have much larger crops. Oop saw this and asked Mork to make him a plow. Mork said, “Ok, but it will take me away from my own plowing and I will have less food. Then Oop said, “I will give you that same amount of grain from my pile that you would have grown yourself. “Deal”, replied Mork.

There was one problem, Oop did not have that much grain so he said, “You give me the plow today and when I get larger harvests, I will give you the grain that I promised.”

“But suppose you forget to repay me?”, asked Mork. “OK” replied Oop, “I will give you this stone that is green on the back. When I give you the grain, you can return the Greenback stone”. “That sounds fair”, said Mork.

So, Mork stopped working his fields and made a plow for his neighbor Oop. When the plow was finished Mork gave it to Oop and in return Mork got the Greenback stone as an I.O.U.

Several months later, Oop came to Mork and gave him many bushells of grain. Mork returned the Greenback to Oop and that is how capitalization began. When others who saw these two guys with plows they also wanted one so they all struck a deal with Mork to make one for each of them.

Mork stopped plowing altogether and began to spend all of his time making plows and getting grain in return. The other farmers could harvest much more now due to the plow and everyone began using Greenbacks as a medium of exchanged and later changed that to Gold and finally paper money for ease of transactions. Now much commerce is in credits like charge cards. It is still basically an I.O.U. for work done.

Next chapter: A man with an unspeakable middle name is made chief and he proclaims that the cavemen in the next village (the Freeloader tribe) do not have as much food as Oop and Mork. He proclaims that other villagers will now come to this village and take some grain without any labor or Greenbacks in exchanged.

“What will we do?”, asked Oop. “I have toiled all day to produce the crop and the Freeloader tribe gets to eat it. Well the answer is obvious, Oop and Mork began to work less and less and the Freeloaders got less and less until they all starved.

The chief with the unspeakable middle name said, “This is Fair and good, everyone is equal but dead”.

The moral of this fable is that money is only an I.O.U. for work done and it's worthless without someones' labor behind it.

Old sayings: Don't kill the Goose that lays the golden egg.

Don't punish someone who signs your paycheck on the front. If you do, you will never get the opportunity to sign it on the back.

I never got a paycheck from a poor man.

Folks, please think before you vote. Socialism has ruined many countries. Please not ours too.


The Emperor's New Clothes

Sunday, October 19, 2008

(Another of Frank's Fractured Fables)

Once upon a time in a land far far away, lived an Emperor who was feared by all of his people because when he spoke, his voice thundered and because he had a cruel body guard who was called 'Dnews Media'.

Now, this ruler had one weakness, his appearance. He always wanted to look spiffy so he called his tailors and he said, I want you to make me a robe of the finest material in the Kingdom. It must be entirely different from all others.

The tailors could think of nothing that would even come close to this order so they pretended to have a new fabric that was so rare that it could only be seen by the smartest people in the world.

The Emperor donned this fine robe and went down and paraded in the streets of his kingdom. Of course all of his fearful subjects oohed and aahed as he past. But then from the crowd came the tiny voice of a little boy named Jody Plumber, "The Emperor has no clothes on".

(Now, some say that Jody Plumber really said, "The Emperor just revealed his tax plan").

There was a gasp from the crowd. This little boy had seen the Emperor as he really was and without fear he shouted out the truth. The Emperor's body guard, Dnews Media, began to pummel the tiny boy about the head, but it was too late. The truth was out and it could never be taken back.

The emperor was thrown out along with Dnews Media. Little Jody Plumber had said what everyone knew but was afraid to say. And they all lived happily ever after.......However, I hear that the emperor moved to Oz but a little girl named Dorothy had also flushed the emperor out from behind a RED curtain and exposed him.


Seven Days in May

Sunday, October 12, 2008

There was a book written several years ago titled “Seven Days in May”. It was the story about a junior naval officer who came to work on a Sunday morning in May. He worked in the naval communications center as a secure message decoder.

He opened a secure message addressed to his boss, the general who ran the center, and read “I cannot attend your poker game this week”. Just a harmless message from an Admiral in the Pacific, but why was it sent through secure channels in code?

The junior officer was curious and looked for the original memo sent by his boss. He found it and it was in heavily coded form. Why are secure channels used for a poker game he wondered. So he dug deeper and as he read more messages, he discovered that this was not a simple Poker game, it was a plot to overthrow the government. The story did have a good ending. It was also made into a movie of the same name with Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis.

Ok, why do I mention the story above? Because now I am seeing some very disturbing signs in our country. I have been ignoring them for a long time and saying to myself, “These are just coincidences” or “It's your imagination, Frank, there are no conspiracies”. But.........

In Washington there is a meeting of the G7 who are talking about making banking an International entity.

There have been efforts to make our country use international law.

The whole banking scandal has been hidden from the American public for years.

We have been letting illegal aliens into the country and bestowing American rights and privileges on them.

Special interest groups in our capital have been pressing for low cost/free housing for those who have possible way of repaying.

Special interest groups are registering illegals and convicted felons to vote.

Government employees are leaking secret information to the News media.

Valerie Plame sent her own husband to Nigeria in order to undermine the President of our country.

Retired generals and congressmen calling our troopes in Iraq murderers.

Preachers are calling our country every derogative name possible.

And my pet peeve, News Media distorting stories by omitting many of the actual facts.

Movies and TV shows filled with anti American sentiment.

Congressmen and Senators selling favors to get reelected.

Kick backs comming from Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae to congressmen.

Security agencies saying Iran had stopped work on nuclear weapons when they have not.

Searching old women and children at airports just to show how fair we are.

Silly lawsuits that have no right to even be in court.

Teachers unions that want tax payers to make up any loss that their pension funds loose in the markets.

Refusing to drill for oil while older citizens have to use their limited income to pay for high heating costs in their homes.

Banning smoking, fatty foods, dodge ball, tag, scoring, etc,etc,etc.

Congress held hearings on Baseball players using steroids, but not on the banking or investment houses that were selling worthless mortgages to Ginnie and Freddie while Chris Dodd and Barney Frank were saying everything is fine. I have news for Barney and Chris. With the Internet, you can't lie anymore. It's all there on 'Youtube' in your own words. Enough is enough!

I could write several more pages but I think that you get it. Our country is so close to Socialism that it is scary.

I see a pattern here just as I saw in the very low interest rates back in January. There are too many unexplained things happening for me to understand and when I don't understand things, my brain begins to send me warnings.

If anything that I wrote is not factual, please add your comments and I will correct my writings. Just include a reliable source and I will make the changes.

And yes, I realize that I see things in black and white. Sometime that is not a bad thing.

Please vote, even if you have to hold your nose. If the socialists get in, you will never get them out.


No More Potatoes

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Back on May 24th I wrote a Blog on how the free market works. I used potatoes as an example of how prices stabilized when the markets are free to adjust themselves. If you haven't read that blog, here is a thumbnail version.

Supply and demand automatically sets the price of any goods. If the price is too high, it won't sell. If the price is too low, the seller goes out of business. He must pick a moderate price.

Now today six months later we have the perfect example. Back in the 1990's our federal government enacted a law saying that lenders cannot discriminate against minorities and poor people when lending money. So, banks began lending money to poor and minorities even though they knew that chances of getting the money back was slim and none but they feared federal law suits.

Using the potato analogy, this was the same as the potato grower selling at a loss or giving the potatoes away free. Now the lenders are going out of business as predicted by supply and demand. However some clever lenders discovered that they could sell the bad loans back to the government via Fanny Mae and Freddie Mack who were gung ho to help poor people get houses.

Now, we taxpayers have to bailout (Rescue?) Freddie and Fanny and Wall street because Bill Clinton and his followers like to give working peoples' money to those who do not work. It didn't work in Russia and it won't work here.

The supply and demand system works but the, "Give free stuff to the drones", does not work. So please remember that on election day.

On Friday May 30th, I wrote a fable about the ant and the grasshopper. This also came true. Please read it and see if it doesn't make me look like Nostradamus.

Remember, I repeated the 8th grade and never graduated from high school. How come I can see this and Harvard graduates cannot????


I can buy a new house today

Friday, October 3, 2008

Yep, my bank said so this morning. The loan officer said I can also buy a car if I like and they would be happy to lend me the money. I asked how that is possible with all of the credit problems in this country? She said there is plenty of money to lend to responsible people with good credit records.

I would have to put a down payment for a house purchase and have my credit checked, but the money is there for me to borrow. I asked why some companies have to borrow money to meet their weekly payrolls. She said that if a company had to borrow to make a payroll that company was already in deep financial trouble before any credit crunch started.

We agreed that the news media is overstating the facts when they say there is no money available to borrowers. You can call your own bank and ask if they have money available for you to borrow. If anyone gets a no answer, e-mail me the bank name.



Friday, September 26, 2008

Congress is wrestling with a way to save out banking system. They say that this is a good clean bill. A few minutes later a republican congressman comes on TV and says that the bill contains several million dollars to be given to ACORN.

In case you do not know who ACORN is I will explain. ACORN is a political organization that has been in trouble for registering voters several times with different names at the same location and many others with the same name at different locations. If you remember MOVE in Philadelphia in the 60's you will recall that the John Africa family had been breaking into vacant houses and living in them even though they had no electric, water or sewerage disposal. (The back yard was their bathroom).

On Mothers day, when Police tried to evict them, MOVE opened fire on them. While trying to get MOVE out, Mayor Good ordered a flash/bang to be dropped on the roof of the house. The MOVE house caught fire and several blocks of Philadelphia burned down.

Today, Pam Africa, is now with ACORN. I think that ACORN is MOVE with a new name. The Democrats want to give millions to this organization so that they can protest and corrupt the voter registration process.

The Democrats want to pass this flawed bailout bill but they want the Republicans to join them. The Republicans do not want to fund ACORN, but the Dem's will not take that part out of the bailout bill.

The Dem's have enough vote to pass this bill but they won't do it unless the republicans vote for it too. Why? Because they know it is a bad bill and do not want to take the blame for it......... PLEASE remember that on election day.


Be careful what you wish for.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Frank's Fables #4 - "Your wish is granted".

Once upon a time there was a small kingdom called 'Happy Valley'. It was called Happy Valley because it was prosperous and people there were content. Well, most were content but some of the citizens of the valley would meet and complain that they did not have as much money as their neighbors so they formed a group and went to see the King'.

The King listened to the complaints and said “Are you sure that you want everyone in the kingdom to have exactly the same wealth?”. The citizens said yes.

The king was having a birthday the following day and on his birthday he always granted a wish to his subjects, so he said, “Your wish is granted, tomorrow you will all wake up and find a bundle of money on your doorstep. All of the wealth in my kingdom will be collected while you sleep and then divided exactly evenly for each person. It should be about $100,000”.

Sure enough, next morning everyone found a package on their doorstep with $100,000 inside, but strangely there was no newspaper, however, the citizens were elated. The first thing they did was to call their friends and neighbors, but the phones did not work, next they turned on the radio to see why the phones did not work, but the radio did not work either.

What was going on? There was no electricity or water or morning newspaper or anything. Some tried to drive their cars to the gas station to fill up. The stations were closed. Their world was in chaos. How could this be?

The citizens ran to the king and demanded an explanation. The king said “Oh you foolish citizens, the people who supply you with electricity, phone service, food, water, gasoline and everything else didn't go to work today. They have all of the money that wanted, why should they go to work?”. Of course all of the citizens of “Happy Valley” died from dehydration and starvation.

The moral of the story is if there were no rich people to hire the poor people, money would be worthless and no one would have anything. So yes, we could tax our achievers out of business and tax ourselves out of work and food and water and...........

Third world countries don't have many rich people. Do you really want imitate them and have everything equal even when equal is zero? Money is only an IOU for work done, without work behind it money is just piece of printed paper.


Basic Politics for First Graders

Friday, August 29, 2008

How it really works in Congress.

Congressman X proposes a bill to give free milk to children in school.

Then congressman Y adds his request to that bill that says "The government must pay everyone of my friends $100,000.00 a year for life".

Congressman X sees this addition and says “That's crazy, I won't vote for that”.

The bill gets defeated.

Next election Congressman Y says “My opponent voted against his own bill to give free milk to children”. Of course he omits the part of the bill about Congressman Y getting his friends $100,000.00 for life.

Rarely is there a bill proposed with no additions or riders attached. Many congressmen use this sleazy practice to get their way. They ask for funding of some pet project and attach it to someone else's bill. It is called a rider because it rides through all votes and is enacted into law if the Senate also approves it.

I think that many bills pass without the members of Congress even knowing about all of the extra baggage attached to it. That's why we get bad laws.

This is my pet peeve about the press and politicians. It is not so much what they say as it is what they omit. (The above example about the milk bill is, of course, an exaggeration just to show my point). Now Congressman Y is not actually telling a lie, but he is creating one by omitting the part about the $100,000.00 gifts to his friends.

When is the last time any news outlet mentioned the Baghdad Stock Market, the number of new radio and television stations, banks, hospitals, schools, amusement parks that have opened since the U.S. has been there. All they ever show are bombed out cars etc.

Personally I do not like the evasive double talk that I get from most politicians. Usually you get a handshake and a fuzzy promises. There are very few 'Yes' or 'No' s in their statements.

Congress may pass an oil drilling bill soon, but, it probably be so loaded with bad features that it will cause more harm than good.

I ask you to please contact your congress people and ask them to pass a clean oil drilling bill that will allow drilling here in our own country with no riders or other unrelated items attached. If they don't want to do it that way, ask why.


No Sun Spots = Cold Winter?

August 26,2008

Cool August

Scientists say that the last time that the Sun went for a long period without any spots it was during the 'Little Ice Age' ( 1500-1700 AD) when most of Europe was freezing both Summer and Winter.

Today the Sun has no spots again and we hope that it is only a temporary condition, but it does tell us that the Sun's activity controls the temperature, here on earth, much more that any man made causes.

Hmm, August does seem a lot cooler this year............

For more, see link below:


You can search the Net for more on this subject.


Biodiesel for .80 a gallon????

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Biodiesel for 80 cents a gallon a bargain?

It sounds good, fuel for your car for 80 cents a gallon. However:

1. You may have to buy the waste grease and oils from a restaurant ---- cost not included.
2. Fuel used to pick up waste from restaurant --- Cost not included.
3. Filtering and adding Lye and Methanol ----- cost about 70-80 cents a gallon.
4. Fuel used to Pick up the chemicals needed ------ cost not included.
5. Electricity used in heating the mixture ------ cost not included.
8. Many gallons of water to wash the chemicals out ------ not included.
9. Disposing of toxic waste chemicals (Lye and Methanol are toxic waste) ----- not included.
10. Heating equipment in vehicle tank to allow it to be used in cold weather. ----- not included.
11. Original cost of tanks, fittings, pumps etc. needed in the processing ----- not included.
12. Time spent in processing and pumping the Biodiesel into vehicle. -----not included.
13. Space needed to process the Biodiesel ------ not included.
14. Safety equipment used to handle Lye ------ not included.
15. Your labor ----- not included.

I am sure that if all of the costs are added to the total, it probably costs 5 times 80 cents a gallon.
You can see the actual process in this video:


Tax The Crooks

Friday, August 15, 2008

The way our tax code is presently followed, only honest people are taxed. Law breakers and cheaters do not pay federal income taxes. If you earn an honest wage, it is taxed by your employer before you even see it. On the other hand drug dealers, robbers and illegal aliens do not pay any federal taxable income and that is because they simply do not report their income.

I suggest that the flat sales tax be implemented in order to correct this problem. If a criminal buys a car, boat, Giant screen TV etc. he will have to pay the sales tax just like the rest of us honest folks.

The other benefit is that you will not have to pay anyone to fill out the complicated tax forms and you would not have to keep receipts and records for many years.

Rich people who spend more money than poor people will have no loopholes to fall back on. They will pay more in taxes because they consume more. And the very rich will have no reason to hide their money offshore in the Bahamas. They would probably bring their wealth back to the U.S. and invest it here which would give our economy a boost.

A fringe benefit is that the IRS can be much, much smaller and you won't have to deal with rude government workers anymore.

Please think about it and support all efforts to bring about a fair consumption tax.


I told you so

Friday, August 1, 2008

Crude oil was at $147 a barrel three weeks ago. President Bush removed a presidential ban on drilling oil here in the U.S. And crude began to drop the next day.

In my earlier Blogs, both Newt Gingrich and I predicted this. More supply equals lower prices. That is the basic tenant of supply and demand. Remember my earlier “Potato Fable”, I explained it simply enough for a grade schooler to understand.

As of today, the price has dropped over $20 a barrel. The liberal establishment has been saying that even if we drill for oil, in ten years it would only lower gasoline 7 cents a gallon. The last time I looked, just suggesting that we drill for oil has caused gasoline in my neighborhood has dropped from $4.15 a gallon to $3.85. And that is only from suggesting that we drill. What could it be when we start drilling?

For many years the environmentalists have been forcing hardships on the common citizen. Just because they are wealthy and can buy favors from Congress doesn't mean that the rest of us have to take it.

If you read my previous blogs and saw the Gingrich video, you know that, “We told you so”.



Saturday, July 26, 2008

I am getting responses in my e-mail, but only a few comments on the Blog.

To publish your comments directly to the Blog:

1. Click on the "Comments" line at the bottom of any particular post.
2. Type your comment in the box provided.
3. Type the word shown into the box provided.
4. Put in a user name and password.
5. Click on "Publish".


Global Cooling

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The chart above shows the Average Global temperatures for the past 30 years. As you can see, 1998 was the highest. It did not continue to go any higher after that. I has gone down. Mr. Gore omits this in his speeches. Again lying by omission.

The link shows this plus more info and charts on Global Warming:

Recently Al Gore spoke in Washington about Global Warming while one the three lemo's in his caravan waited outside with the air conditioners running during the speech. Makes you think doesn't it? Click link below:



Do as I say, not as I do. That is the motto of the do gooders. Al has a giant power consuming mansion, but he says that he buys carbon credits to make up for all of the power that he uses. Maybe so, but he still uses much more than you or me and then pays for the carbon credits with money that he makes on speaking tours about conserving power.

How do you spell hypocrite? G-O-R-E



Sunday, July 20, 2008

I have never owned a brand new car, the closest to new was five years old. You know me FREE is my motto and thrifty is next and then cheap. However I would buy a new car tomorrow if it ran on electricity and could go 150 miles or more on a single charge. Just think:

No noise
No standing in the cold or rain or heat to pump gas.
No gasoline shortages or high prices or smell.
No oil to check or leak.
No radiators, anti freeze or leaking hoses.
No mufflers, catalytic converters, tailpipes.
No Fuel pumps, starters, carburetors or fuel injectors.
And no fumes or air pollution.

My only questions are when will the technology have such a car and the cost of changing batteries when they fail.

The problem of distance per charge and cost of batteries is difficult to solve, so we must drill for more oil immediately to keep our country running.

I heard a radio reporter saying that off shore drilling in the Santa Barbara area would produce millions of barrels of crude and could start producing oil within a year. There was an oil spill there about 20 years ago and California made the oil companies stop pumping any more oil from that site.


Cheap Wind Power

Friday, July 18, 2008

I recently saw a TV story on about a town in Kansas that uses wind power for the entire town. I was very interested and then I heard a wind expert in this radio interview.

The wind expert said that the town was saving money on their electric bills and being friendly to the environment at the same time. Below is the interview.

Q: How much money do the people actually save with wind power generation?
A: Well it depends on the wind.
Q: What happens when the wind dies down or stops?
A: There is always a backup coal fired generator running at the local electric company.
Q: Why is there always a coal fired generator running?
A: When the wind is not blowing, the users would have no electricity otherwise.
Q: OK, then when the wind dies, the generators are started. Is that right?
A: No, it takes 4 to 6 hours to get up steam and get the generators running at full speed.
Q: What do the power users do, go without electricity for 6 hours?
A: Oh no, the generators running 24 hours a day at peak performance to prevent any loss of power to the customers.
Q: How does that help pollution and cost less to the customers?
A: The extra power generated by the wind is added to the power grid and the coal fired generators don't use quite as much coal when the wind is blowing hard.
Q: Let me get this straight, You still use coal to generate most of the power and then add a small amount from the windmills after you spend millions building them and then say it saves money?
A: Well, yes. but someday it may be cheaper if the technology gets better.
Q: Will we always need a fossil burning generator running constantly in order to use wind generation?
A: Yes, there is no way, at the present time, to store wind generated electricity.

End of interview.

I was under the impression , from the TV story, that wind power generated all of the electricity at little cost. Why didn't they even mention that a coal fired generator actually supplied most of the power in the TV story? They forgot to add that little fact.
There are many lies told by the media just by omitting important parts of the story. This a perfect example.


The Basketball

Sunday, July 13, 2008

This week, the Curmudgeon is not griping. I hope that you will enjoy “The Basketball”.

The Basketball

On most evenings just before sunset, when the weather is warm, I walk the three blocks from my home to the local cemetery to visit my wife's grave.

About a year ago I noticed that there was a basketball sitting in front of a tombstone about five graves to my left. Now, almost one year has passed and the basketball is still sitting there, how odd.

The grounds keepers cut the grass at least once a week. They move the ball, cut the grass and replace the ball in exactly the same place. I have seen groups of teenagers go past on many occasions and still the, almost new basketball, sits there unmoved. No one has damaged it or stolen it or even moved it from it's vigil if front of the tombstone.

Is it possible that there is still a tiny bit of respect for something in this modern world today? Stealing and defacing is so commonplace now that I am in awe that the ball that has survived for close to a year without a scratch. This has given me just a tiny sliver of hope that all is not lost. Perhaps a tiny peice of common decency still survives in our cold world.

The dates on the stone indicate that this boy was only 23.


Thank you grandchildren

Friday, July 11, 2008

Thank you, grandchildren, for my $600.00 government stimulus check. I thank you and not the government because you will have to pay for it.

I hope that you realize that since the Federal Government does not make and sell any product or service, they have no money coming in.......except for taxes. The $600.00 that I received was money borrowed from the treasury and you will have to pay it back, as taxes, when you start working for your money.

Unlike the government, I will invest the money, in your name, and make it work for you. Some day when grand pop is no longer here, you will get the $600.00 back just in time to pay it back to Uncle Sam.

Here is the good part, you will get the $600.00 plus interest. We win!!!!

How come we are smarter than the high paid lawyers that we keep reelecting. Oh no, maybe we are the dummies for reelecting them.

Grand Pop


Global warming caused by cleaner air????

Wednesday July 11, 2008

Our Dimming Sun

Yep, that what newest research has found. It seems that clearer skies let in more sunlight and caused higher average temperatures in western Europe. Please see link below.


This comes as no surprise to me because a PBS NOVA report named “Our Dimming Sun” showed a chart on how the temperatures over the U.S. rose several degrees when airliners were grounded for 4 days following the 9-11 disaster. The chart went straight up several degrees when the planes were all grounded and dropped down to previous levels when flights resumed. This, all due to the lack of the vapor/ice trails that Jets produce when they fly at very high altitudes. Without these white trails to reflect sunlight back into the atmosphere, more sunlight reached the earth making it noticeably warmer for those four days.

The PBS special also showed that the increasing pollution over China and India is reducing sunlight reaching those areas and thereby reducing temperatures and evaporation. Thus the title “Our Dimming Sun”.


So, my conclusion is that if you want cleaner skies, you have to except any Global warming that we artificially produce. I have a good idea, let nature do it's job without man interfering. Mother Nature did an excellent job of protecting our world for many billions of years, who are we to try to undo such a successful record.


Wacked out Celebs

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

One sheet of Bathroom tissue???

Yep, that's what actress/singer Sheryl Crow said in a recent TV interview. See link below:


And now another actress has a TV spot asking us to use less water when we brush our teeth.

May I suggest that these Hollywood nuts check to see how many gallons of water that evaporates from the swimming pools that they have in their own homes. I say homes plural because most have at least two houses. One is usually sitting empty wasting both electricity and water.

How about hot tubs and spas and giant screen TV's and pool filters? All are massive power consumers. Most entertainers have these products and yet they tell us to turn down our thermostats to 69 and wear a sweater. What nerve. I say you cut back to my energy usage before you preach to me about conserving.

They fly around on private jets to speaking events telling the audience to save fuel by buying new cars and burning alcohol made from corn.

They also tell us to buy expensive light bulbs that contain Mercury. Remember last year when they were trying to ban Mercury because it was too dangerous to have around the house? Now you can't even throw the darn things out, they have to go to a hazardous waste dump. I wonder where that is located? What is the bill for that going to be?

I have heard very few Hollywood types that can make an intelligent statement. All they can do is read scripts that someone else writes and act the way some Director tells them to. Hardly a brain taxing chore.

The worse part is that they think that are brilliant and no one tells them that they sound like fools.......except me!


It happened before too.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

From the Canadian Broadcasting Company:

Million year old Fern fossil found in Canada

"When the fern was growing, Nova Scotia was covered by a steamy rain forest. During the carboniferous period, plants first developed the ability to grow seeds. Scientists hope the boulder-sized fossil will shed light on how the process evolved".

So, parts of Canada were once a tropical jungle. Oops.... Rain Forest. When I hear people saying that man is causing Global Warming I wonder how much of history do they actually know. The earth has been warming and cooling for millenniums before man was ever on earth. Now I ask, who was driving air polluting cars three million BC....oops make that BCE. I also would like to know how the earth cooled into an Ice Age without man causing it?

Now, don't be so arrogant, us little p-ants cannot take credit or blame for all of the many warming and cooling periods in the earth's history. Blame it on that damn mother nature, she did it, not us.

Please read the full CBC report on the link below:


I wonder why the main stream media does not report these provable facts and instead report on scientific guesses about why the earth heats and cools. Personally I would accept actual proof over a guess any time.


BC, AD, BCE. What next?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

What the heck is BCE???

I noticed that in one of my grand children's text books there were a mentions of BCE. I asked what BCE was and he said, “Before Common Era” or the year one.

Does anyone know when, why or who changed it from BC to BCE? Was it ever on the news or in the print medium? If so, I must have missed it.

The days are still counted from the same, accepted, birth date of Christ. Weather you call it BC or BCE, today it exactly the same date on your calendar as it ever was. So why change the name? Three guesses.

Is AD now going to be ACE for After Common Era? I say let's change the word 'Common' to 'Christian' just to be a little more accurate.


Prices will fall

Friday June 20, 2008

Some good news for a change.

Since I published my blog yesterday, I see that both President Bush and Senator McCain have called for drilling for oil here at home. Finally....but what took so long?

Please watch the You Tube video of Newt Gingrich by clicking on the link below. He has it exactly right:


Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Your school taxes at work
"I be going to college in the fall"

Yes, that what one Philadelphia high school graduate said to a T.V. news reporter. I could not believe what I had just heard. How can anyone, who does not know enough English to say, "I am going to college in the fall" or "I will be going to college in the fall", qualify for any college?

What are our schools teaching in the classroom? When I was going to school, you either learned the material or you were kept in the same grade until you were able to do so.

I had to repeat the 8th grade because I had a reading problem. It was tough to see all of my classmates go on to the 9th grade, but it made me work harder to overcome my Dyslexia. No one babied me and pushed me on to the next grade, they just made me try harder.

My point is that babying school students and graduating those who do not know how to spell or how to put together a simple sentence is bad for our country.

English is now the the default language of the whole world. All airline pilots must speak understandable English in order to get a pilots license. Most countries in the world now teach English in their Business schools. Due to World war II, English became an International language for Communications, Travel and Business.

With all of these factors, many of our own American children only know one tense of the Verb am.

Can you say, “I be living in poverty” or “I be in jail”?


Another Bad Idea

Thursday June 19, 2008

When the U.S. Started to convert Corn (a food stuff) into Ethanol (a fuel), a chain reaction occurred throughout the world. The cost and availability of all foods was effected. The poorest countries around the globe who rely on us for low cost food were devastated. There were food riots in several countries where food costs are the bulk of the family expenses.

What arrogance, they must think, “While the U.S. Sits on billions of barrels of oil in the ground, humans in other countries go hungry”. Because of environmental worries about some endangered insect we refuse to drill for oil. I say that in this instance, the environmentalists special interest lobby in Washington are truly the “Ugly Americans”.

This winter when your heating oil bills exceed your Social Security Check, will you be worried about a Snail Darter in a “Wetland” or your own health?

If you didn't know, "Wetlands" is eco-talk for Swamp. “Rain Forrest” is eco-talk for Jungle, however they are still bug infested foul smelling places.

What did he say?

Monday, June 9, 2008

Here is a video sent to me by a reader.

This guy makes George Bush sound like Plato. Click the link below and click on the small Youtube screen on the right.

I am offering a reward for anyone who can explain what he said.

Also click the larger YouTube screen to hear what he said about treating Asthma.



Thanks for the interest

Saturday June 7, 2008

Thank you all for the e-mail with nice comments about my Blog. I just wanted to mention that you can leave your messages right here on the Blog.

At the end of each article, there is a 'Comments' link where you can put your thoughts right below my article where they can be seen by all readers.

If you prefer to keep your replies private, you can e-mail me directly.


Monday, June 2, 2008

(Sorry, pictures got erased)

Where is this busy looking city? This photo is from Google Earth satellite photo the date is 2006. Hint: It sits between two rivers, the Euphrates and the Tigris.

Yes, it is Baghdad.

Have you ever seen this picture in your local newspaper or news cast? No, I don't think so. All you ever see on the news is a bombed out building in the slums. Our media is so biased that they won't even show an actual satellite view of the so called bombed out city. I can show you worse destruction on North Broad street in Philadelphia.

What opened in 2004 in Baghdad? Answer is The Baghdad stock market. Did you even know that Iraq had a stock market? You will never see that in the news? Yes, it is small compared to some countries, but it does exist.

The best place to find the real story is to use the internet and use your own eyes. Don't depend on the news media to supply it.

Posted by Curmudgeon at 9:05 AM 0 comments

Why didn't they tell me?

Posted by Curmudgeon at 7:18 AM 0 comments


Good vs Evil

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Many of my readers do not know about life in the 1930's, so I will give you a little background about my own personal experience.

I was born in 1930 just when the Great Depression was starting. You had to have lived in that time in order to really understand how bad it was.I lived in a tiny house in Bristol, Pa. The house had a small living room, a smaller bedroom and an even smaller kitchen. Heat was provided by a kerosene stove in the living room. The bathroom was about four feet square. No tub or shower. We only had one faucet because there was no running hot water. If you wanted hot water, you had to heat it in a kettle on the cooking stove.

We had no refrigerator or ice box in the house. In the winter we had a tin box that hung out of a kitchen window. In the summer we bought food each day and used it immediately.

The interior walls were bare cinder block and the floors were bare cement. My Mom tried to paste wall paper on the walls, but it wound peel off when it rained. The floors had pieces of linoleum in the center.

The reason for mentioning this is that, although most folks were very poor and had very little to eat, crime in the town was almost nil. There was only one policeman who walked around and just stopped to talk with the residents. He had very little to do. The local newspaper was four pages. (One sheet folded in half).

In the mid 30's, I remember strange men coming to our door and asking for food. They were willing to do odd jobs for just a sandwich.What I am trying to say is, even with these tough times, people did not injure or steal from others even though they had very little food or possessions.
I learned that evil is selfishness and kindness is unselfishness. Just think about it. Why do people steal and injure others? It is because they want things for themselves or want to hurt someone in order to feel better about themselves. Have you ever heard of any unselfish act that was evil? Have you ever heard of any selfish act that was good?

There is so much bad stuff happening every day by people who want to take things from the folks who labor for it. A gas station attendant works all day to earn a living and some thug comes along at the end of the day and takes the earnings for himself without working for it. Pure selfishness.How many times have we read in the papers about someone killing another person because that person didn't respect the killer? Respect is something that you earn, you can't demand it.

So I ask you to think is there any unselfish act that is evil or any selfish act that is good?
I know this sounds like a soapbox speech, but it is my Blog and Blogs are electronic soapboxes.
Your comments are welcomed.


Insect Welfare

Friday, May 31, 2008

Frank's Fables #2 The Ant and the Grasshopper

(This first version is a famous Aesop fable the second is my version) Once upon a time there was an Ant and a Grasshopper. The Ant was very industrious and prudent. All summer he dug in the ground to make a nice comfortable home to protect himself and his family from the cold winter. Next he gathered food and stored it in his home so that his family had food to eat when the cold and snow came.

Meanwhile the Grasshopper was frolicking merrily and eating all of the lush grass that is plentiful in the summer. The Ant asked the Grasshopper why he was not preparing for the hard times. The Grasshopper laughed at the Ant saying, “You are a fool spending your time working, be like me and have a good time”.

When summer had ended, the cold and snow arrived. The Grasshopper went to the Ant's home and said “ I am cold and hungry, please give me food and shelter”. The Ant said “Sorry, but I told you to prepare for winter, but you wanted to play”. The Grasshopper was left out in the cold to starve.

The moral of the story is that you have to prepare yourself for the future.__________Here is the how the fable ends in 2008 in America:
The Grasshopper says to the Ant. “I am cold and hungry”. The Ant says “Sorry, You should have been working in the summer like I did”.
Now the Federal Government comes to the Ant and says, “Give the Grasshopper half of your food and make a room for him in your house”. “It doesn't matter that you worked all summer to prepare and he didn't”.

And this, children, is called fairness (taxation). The end
Good Night Children


Food for thought

Thursday May 29, 2008

I just read that the cattle ranchers can't afford to feed their stock with the price of corn being so high. Their solution is to send most of their cattle to market so that they won't have to feed them. The good news is that beef will cost less for a short period of time. The bad news is that when that supply is done, the next batch of beef will cost almost twice as much as it does now. Why???
The idea of using corn to produce Ethanol for auto fuel is causing all of this. Food should never be used as fuel. Why Washington is forcing this hardship on the country and the rest of the world is mind boggling. In my wildest imagination I cannot see the logic behind this practice.
We can't drill for oil here in our own gulf of Mexico or off the coast of Florida and yet Mexico does it and Cuba is starting to do it 45 miles from Key West. If Cuba can drill 45 miles from our shores, why can't we? Will the environment be safer with Cuba drilling than with the USA drilling? I don't think so.I think our federal government is brain dead or corrupt or both.


Supply and Demand - The Potato Story

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Frank's Fables – #1 Potato Tales

Once upon a time there was a potato grower who sold his crops to local grocers. Each day several grocers came to buy potatoes for their stores. The farmer said, “I will sell you the potatoes for 20 cents a pound”. The grocers all agreed and took the taters to their stores and sold them for 50 cents a pound. Most of the potatoes were sold by the end of the day.
One day there was a bad storm and half of the farmers' potatoes were destroyed. When the grocers came to buy, grocer #1 said, "I will buy the potatoes for 20 cents a pound just as I did yesterday". The farmer said, "I don't have enough to sell to all of you".
Grocer #2 said, “I will pay you 30 cents a pound”. The farmer said, "OK", but Grocer #1 said, “Wait a minute I need potatoes too. I will give you 40 cents a pound”.
Several weeks later the potato farmers' crop was very large, so in order to sell all of his surplus crop he had a sale and the crop went for 15 cents a pound. The grocers bought more and sold more at a lower price. (This system works every time it is used).
Now, suppose this farmer become foolish and decided to plant less potatoes in order to keep the prices higher. His neighbor, a wise farmer, will plant more potatoes and steal farmer #1's customers.
This, children, is why Gasoline is so high. We could be like the wise farmer and produce more or be like the foolish one and produce less. Our lawmakers in Washington, who refuse to allow new oil well drilling here at home, are definitely not wise.

Good Night Children


Minimum wage, bad idea

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Thoughts on the Minimum Wage

The new Congress did two things in the past two years. First they held hearings on Baseball Players taking steroids and then they passed the minimum wage bill.How does the minimum wage thing work? Lets say that newly hired workers will be paid $10.00 an hour. ( I am using a factious number for demonstration purposes). The other employees who hired last year at $9.00 an hour have worked there for a year are now making $10.00 an hour because they have received a raise for their experience and now are worth more money.
When the minimum wage is raised to $10, the one year employee says to his employer, "I have been here a year and the new guy is making the same salary as me. I want a raise".So now, the one year employee gets a raise to $11.00. Of course the two year employee says, "Hold it, I am only making $11, the same wage as the one year employee. I want a raise to $12".
This continues up the chain and soon all of the employees get a raise. Now what does the employer do? Of course he raises his prices to cover his newly incurred wage hikes. All of these price hikes cause the cost of living to go up and what does the Federal government do? Yep, they raise the minimum wage again to cover the increase in the cost of living. DUH!!And, yes, some employers can't raise their prices so they go out of business and lay off their employees.
The result is that you folks on a fixed income have to pay more for your goods and services. We consumers at the bottom of the food chain are ALWAYS the ones to pay for every government program passed. That $600 rebate from your Federal Government came out of your own back pocket. Remember, the government does not produce any product or service that they can sell. Their entire income comes from your wallet.
When I hear that the government is going to give me free health care etc. it is either from my own back pocket or from my grandchildren. Would you leave a Will for your grandchildren that said "Here are all of my bills, please pay them for me". I wouldn't.


Oil and Income

Tuesday May 21, 2008

(Below is my letter to the local newspaper last week)

Enough Wacky Practices (From Bucks County Courier Times May 19, 2008)

Your recent front page article reporting on the cost of living increases is only half of the story. People on fixed incomes who have investments in money markets, CDs and bonds have seen their incomes cut in half in the past year.

Forcing interest rates down to pay for greedy real estate speculators and foolish people who bought homes that they could not afford is not fair to the prudent investors.

These two conditions have caused a double whammy on seniors. It is as if the federal government has given us a rash and proceeded to compound the problem by cutting our fingernails too.

Much of this is caused by refusing to drill for oil here at home - - - and making Ethanol out of food is insane. We are causing unneeded pain here at home and around the world with these wacky practices.
